Camp Cope-A-Lot

Camp Cope-A-Lot is a 12-module online program to help kids learn strategies to manage stress and anxiety. The computer program is based on cognitive behavioral therapy techniques (based on the Coping Cat treatment) for 7 to 13 year old children and teens. Children with the help of a coach can learn evidence-based strategies for understanding and managing stress and fears. Please note: This is an educational program and not a treatment and can not take the place of treatment for anxiety.

Last reviewed: 2023

Intended Outcomes:
-Reduce stress and anxiety

Continuum of Care:
Indicated Prevention, Selective Prevention

Topic Areas:
Anxiety, Behavioral Health/Mental Health

Childhood (4-12), Teen/Adolescent (13-18)

Geographic Locations:
Rural, Urban

Delivery Settings:
Any, Community-Based, Congregate Care Facility, School-Based, Virtual

Cultural Considerations:
Limited research found involving diverse populations

This program is designed to treat children ages 7–13 who struggle with stress or anxiety.

Camp Cope-A-Lot is a computer-based intervention and is not delivered by a practitioner. Coaches are adults who help children complete the last six sessions of the online program. In cases where organizations are implementing Camp Cope-A-Lot, education and training requirements for coaches are determined by the organization.


Is Training Required?
Yes, see developer info

Who can provide the required training?
For more training information, please email:

Program Costs (materials, training, etc.):
Yes, refer to program website

Program/Practice Website:

Relevant Published, Peer-Reviewed Research:

Blocher, J. B., Fujikawa, M., Sung, C., Jackson, D. C., & Jones, J. E. (2013).
Computer-assisted cognitive  behavioral therapy for children with epilepsy and anxiety: A pilot study. Epilepsy & Behavior, 27(1), 70-76.

Crawford, E.A., Salloum, A., Lewin, A.B., Andel, R., Murphy, T.K., & Storch, E.A. (2013). A pilot study of computer-assisted cognitive-behavioral therapy for childhood anxiety in community mental health centers. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy, 27(3), 221-234.

Khanna, M. S., & Kendall, P. C. (2010) Computer-assisted cognitive behavioral therapy for child anxiety: Results of a randomized clinical trial. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 78(5), 737–45.

Salloum, A., Crawford, E.A., Lewin, A.B., & Storch, E.A. (2013). Consumers and providers perceptions of utilizing a computerized cognitive behavioral therapy for childhood anxiety. Behavioral and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 1-11. DOI:

Storch, E.A., Salloum, A., King, M.A., Crawford., E.A., Andel, R., McBride, N.M., Lewin, A.B. (2015). A randomized controlled trial in community mental health centers of computer-assisted cognitive  behavioral therapy versus treatment as usual for children with anxiety

Additional Sources:

Supported By Research

WV Rating:
Supported by Research
»WV Ratings Info

Rationale for Rating:

Researchers used standardized, well-known, validated measures. Outcomes consistently noted a decrease in symptoms of anxiety, which is consistent with the purpose of the program. Parent feedback was overwhelmingly positive. Camp Cope A Lot had outcomes similar to cognitive behavioral/coping cat therapy and significantly better outcomes than treatment as usual.

Limitation - While students were referred from schools, research was not conducted in a school setting. The implementing persons in each study were MA or MS level of education or students in a post doctoral program though many had no experience in anxiety or cognitive behavioral therapies.

Program is appropriate for children ages 7-13 years. Students need to be able to read on a first grade level. We would like to see school based studies with implementation by paraprofessionals.

Contraindications or Concerns:
None identified

Other Registries/Ratings

The California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse for Child Welfare:
Not On Registry

Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development:
Not On Registry

Clearinghouse for Military Family Readiness:
Not On Registry

Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Model Programs Guide:
Not On Registry

Washington State Institute for Public Policy:
Not On Registry