Last reviewed: 2023
Intended Outcomes:
The long term goals are to prevent recidivism in families receiving social services, lower the rate of multi-parent teenage pregnancies, reduce the rate of juvenile delinquency and alcohol abuse, and stop the intergenerational cycle of child abuse by teaching positive parenting behaviors.
Continuum of Care:
Indicated Prevention, Selective Prevention, Universal Prevention
Topic Areas:
Behavioral Health/Mental Health, Disruptive Behaviors, Intellectual Disabilities, Physical Health, Substance Use, Trauma
Childhood (4-12), Early Childhood (0-3), Teen/Adolescent (13-18)
Geographic Locations:
Rural, Urban
Delivery Settings:
Community-Based, Congregate Care Facility, School-Based
Cultural Considerations:
No research found involving diverse populations
Parents of families who are in need of additional positive parenting training and support
There is no minimum educational level requirement for being trained on the program, but professionals and paraprofessionals working in diverse areas such as education, mental health, juvenile probation, violence prevention, child welfare, school systems, treatment facilities, social work, and social services can benefit from the training.
Is Training Required?
Yes, see developer info
Who can provide the required training?
Training is necessary to ensure proper understanding and implementation of the Nurturing Programs. The success of the programs depends on competent, qualified professionals understanding the implementation, goals and philosophy of the program. Trainings are posted on the website. Agencies can also host trainings through their agency by contacting the Family Nurturing Center:
Program Costs (materials, training, etc.):
Yes, refer to program website
Program/Practice Website:
Relevant Published, Peer-Reviewed Research:
Cowen, P. S. (2001). Effectiveness of a parent education intervention for at-risk families. Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing (6, 2).
Additional Sources:
WV Rating:
»WV Ratings Info
Rationale for Rating:
The research available was limited and it was neither peer-reviewed nor rigorous. There was also a lack of diversity in the samples. Overall, there is limited information outside of the state reports (e.g., many of the state reports were written by the creator of the Nurturing Parent protocols).
Contraindications or Concerns:
None identified
Other Registries/Ratings
The California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse for Child Welfare:
Promising Research Evidence
Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development:
Not On Registry
Clearinghouse for Military Family Readiness:
Unclear +
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Model Programs Guide:
Not On Registry
Washington State Institute for Public Policy:
Not On Registry