Bounce Back
Bounce Back is a cognitive-behavioral, skills-based, group intervention to teach elementary school children exposed to stressful and traumatic events skills to cope with and help recover from their traumatic experiences.
Bounce Back is a cognitive-behavioral, skills-based, group intervention to teach elementary school children exposed to stressful and traumatic events skills to cope with and help recover from their traumatic experiences.
Making Proud Choices! is a Safer-Sex Approach to Teen Pregnancy and HIV/STD Prevention is an 8-module curriculum that provides adolescents with the knowledge, confidence and skills necessary to reduce their risk of sexually transmitted diseases (STIs), HIV and pregnancy by abstaining from sex or using condoms if they choose to have sex.
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Safe Touches is an age-appropriate child sexual abuse prevention program designed for children in kindergarten through third grade.
Teen Intervene is a program for teenagers (twelve to nineteen years old) suspected of experiencing a mild or moderate substance use disorder, covering all drugs but with a special focus on alcohol, marijuana, and tobacco use.
NAMI Ending the Silence is an engaging presentation that helps middle and high school-aged youth learn about the warning signs of mental health conditions and what steps to take if you or a loved one are showing symptoms of a mental health condition.
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Save the Children developed Journey of Hope after Hurricane Katrina, and has implemented in disaster and low-resource settings across the United States and internationally since 2007.
The Incredible Years® early intervention programs for teachers are delivered by group leaders to groups of teachers/childcare providers depending on children’s age range and needs.
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CAMS Framework® is a clinical philosophy of care. It is a therapeutic framework for suicide-specific assessment and treatment of a patient’s suicidal risk.
Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality (CAMS) Read More »
Psychological First Aid (PFA) is a modular approach to help children, adolescents, adults, and families in the immediate aftermath of disaster and terrorism. Individuals affected by a disaster or traumatic incident, whether survivors, witnesses, or responders to such events, may struggle with or face new challenges following the event.
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The Coping Power Program is a preventative intervention delivered to students in late elementary to middle school.